Check out Chicago Tonight The Week in Review this weekend. Led by moderator Joel Weisman, a panel of local journalists talk about the major happenings in the Chicago-area and beyond. This week, I'm on the panel for Chicago magazine, along with political reporter
Andy Shaw from ABC/Channel 7, Frank Main, who covers law enforcement and the courts for the
Chicago Sun-Times and
Fred Mitchell, sports writer with the Chicago Tribune.We chat about Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama's recent overseas trip, Chicago's growing use of surveillance cameras on city streets, the pending sale of the Chicago Cubs, the legacy of the late, great baseball writer
Jerome Holtzman and more.
The show airs on Channel 11 at 7 P.M. Friday and again early Saturday morning. If you're a Comcast cable TV subscriber, tap into the show at will by going to the "on-demand" menu and watching it anytime this weekend.
Then on Monday morning, I'm scheduled to appear on
WFLD/Channel 32's "Good Day Chicago" around 9:45 A.M.to talk about a recent Chicago magazine cover story,
"Top Jobs For Tough Times" that reveals which local companies are still hiring, and even thriving, in this increasingly rough economy. Managing editor Shane Tritsch and I wrote the story.
Have a great weekend.
Uh there are more than 55 people that work at ShopLocal. Where did you receive that false number?
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